Sergey Vishnyakov


G23-SF CUT with LR Baggs Stagepro Anthem, S21-CR CUT with LR Baggs M1A, A17-CM, GN2-CW, D40-CM, S40-CM 12

Sergey Vishnyakov plays the guitar in Russia’s most popular folk-rock band – Melnitsa.

The band has seven full-on CDs out, as well as a number of LEs, singles and hit collections. The band is known to have topped the “Nashe Radio” charts regularly and pull crowds in the biggest venues of the country. “Melnitsa” has two FUZZ awards and three “Top-13” awards from Nashe Radio (best live gig and best singer).

The band has played and headlined at such prominent festivals as “Nashestvie”, “Chartova Dyuzhina”, “Dikaya Myata”, “Krylya” and many others. The launch of “Dikie Travy” CD in the Olympiyskiy sports hall in 2009 had a full house attendance, as well as the 15-years anniversary of the band in Stadium LIVE in 2014 (5500 ppl).

Apart from working in “Melnitsa”, Sergey is part of the „36’6“ duo with the band leader Natalia O’Shea aka Hellawes. He also works with Hellawes on her solo projects, including two CDs. Sergey is in demand as a session musician and a tutor.

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