Full-Pore High-Gloss Finish

Full-Pore High-Gloss Finish

The high gloss of our resonant finish is achieved by applying many ultra-thin layers of UV lacquer, their fine sanding and precise final polishing. We use a proven combination of modern technologies in conjunction with the precision of our experienced luthiers. The result is a surface of exceptional quality and shine.

Full-Pore Satin Finish

Full-Pore Satin Finish

The fine surface of the Full-Pore Satin Finish is achieved by applying a final satin layer of lacquer, the properties of which allow us to optimize the number of individual layers of our UV lacquer even better. When applying this surface treatment, we are thus able to achieve up to 45% thinner overall layer of finish on the body of the guitar and thus further improve its overall resonance.

Full-Pore Vintage Finish

Full-Pore Vintage Finish

The basis of the Full-Pore Vintage Finish is also our resonant UV lacquer, which we apply to the guitar using our advanced technologies. We polish the final layer of finish with special tools and thus creating a fine pattern, which gives the guitar a pleasant touch of traditional musical instrument.

Full-Pore Smooth-Slide Satin Finish

Full-Pore Smooth-Slide Satin Finish

The Smooth-Slide Satin Finish is a thin polyurethane finish, the smooth surface of which reduces hand friction on the neck of the guitar, allowing for faster and more accurate playing. The finish includes a certified antibacterial additive with silver nanoparticles, which reliably destroys all harmful microorganisms that cling to the neck during play.

Open-Pore Finish

Open-Pore Finish

The Open-Pore Finish on our guitar necks consists of lacquer applied in a thin layer that does not fully fill the pores of the wood, and leaves them exposed to the eye, as well as to the touch. The coating also includes a certified antibacterial additive with silver nanoparticles, which reliably destroys all harmful microorganisms that cling to the neck during play.

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